Post by Maz on May 24, 2016 18:12:11 GMT -5
DX9 have developed a reputation for producing very good-looking, high quality and enjoyable Masterpiece-scale transforming figures that bring them more fans with every subsequent release. Having grabbed attention with their Invisible car robot figure as first to market at MP scale, they followed it up with the brilliant Chigurh, exceptional Carry and popular Tyrant. Now they tackle yet another triplechanger, one who they could not afford to make a mess of with KFC’s Ditka looking as pretty as it does. How have they fared with one of the original two evil triplechangers, the one they call D-08 ”Gewalt”? DX9 D-08 Gewalt | Source Blog <- CLICK TO READAll the best Maz
Post by nikodiablo on May 24, 2016 22:35:26 GMT -5
Good review and pics!
Looks like you're really smitten with this figure. Like I said before on your FB thread, the jet mode suspended my disbelief but the tank mode doesn't. I think the issue with the tank mode is that the turret is too small and the tank bed is too thick or not long enough which skewed the side profile. Although the competition doesn't fare too well on the jet mode, my final decision for me will be which one will suit my G1 preference better, provided the competition also has good QC/build.